For the last 10 years or so I've been workout out alone, both trying to get lean and trying to put on bulk. I've tried my share of personal trainers at major public gyms, and always dropped them after one or two sessions. Then about three years ago I met Jeff. He had seen me around the gym and recognized my determination, and approached me about training with him. Naturally I was skeptical, but his obviously professional weight-lifter build gave him instant credentials, so I gave it a shot. Since then, I have never spent less than 4 days a week training with Jeff, and not a day goes by that I don't notice the incredible difference. For so many years I had, simply put, been working out wrong, and eating poorly. Now I receive comments on my build all the time, and could not be more pleased with my decision to stick with him.

I began training with Jeff about eight months ago. During that time he's worked with me on excellent training technique and diet. I thought I knew a lot about training before I met Jeff, but have learned a lot and made a lot of gains with him. I'm a big guy already, but Jeff's helped me harden up and get out of a lazy streak. I look forward to my training sessions with Jeff because I know I'll get a good tough workout and enjoy it at the same time. Jeff has a way of making me grin, even if I'm at my last repetition of the set and can hardly lift the weight.
I highly recommend him. His rates are fair, he's easy to work with and he's a great guy to have on your team.

I interviewed Jeff in September of 2005. I wanted to find a qualified and knowledgeable trainer. I had trainers previously, and felt as though they had "a routine" and were not working for time, but their fee and me. After consulting with Jeff, I felt confident that he was the solution. As someone that has been going to "the gym" for many years, I needed specific help from Jeff. I wanted help with diet to streamline my hard work. I needed routines that benefited and focused strictly for my needs. I was concerned about my form. Jeff is a stickler about form and stresses correct form to prevent injury. Lastly, I needed a brief program for the time when I am working out at my gym. Jeff has met every expectation. I recommend Jeff to anyone that is looking to improve himself or herself, no matter your age, fitness or size.

I've had Jeff as a trainer for over three years. Why have I stuck with Jeff so long? The answer is simple; he is one of the best trainers around period. You will not find a person more dedicated to the sport of bodybuilding in the South Bay than Jeff. In my years of training I have seen a number of trainers who are more interested in your money than in your development. That is not the case with Jeff. Jeff is stickler for proper form. He teaches you the right form and makes sure that you use it each and every time.
Jeff is knowledgeable in all forms of bodybuilding, not simply weightlifting. He is knowledgeable in diet, nutrition and supplements. If you follow Jeff's advice you will get results. I've gained over ten pounds of muscle thanks to Jeff.